Steven Mayer's Fundraiser
We can
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Freedom. It was simply a concept to our Founding Fathers at the First Continental Congress, but became the foundation for the growth of the greatest country in the history of the world. Protecting it is our nation’s purpose. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are what we guarantee to ourselves and each other. We are forever indebted to our most courageous protectors, who will spare anything, including their own lives, to guarantee all that we hold dear.
These men and woman are America's front line heroes. They will not tell you so, and they, often times, are not treated as such. Please join me in loudly, clearly, and unambiguously saluting their service and sacrifices.
Supporting Team Blueline lets our police officers know they are loved, respected, cared for, and supported. It provides much needed help to officers injured in the line of service, and if the ultimate sacrifice is needed, their family is able to get the support they need
Please join me in giving back to our country's heroes. No amount of racing or fundraising can make up for what these brave men and woman do for us, but it is a small showing of our appreciation that will never go unnoticed. Thank you!